


Groundcover. Poetry by Molly Kugel. Paperback. 96 pages. August 16th, 2022. ISBN 9781948800525.

“In these evocative pages, Molly Kugel connects the lives of mothers and children, women and botanicals, and the turning seasons of the natural world as she grieves the losses of a young brother and her father. The seasons of loss and grief are firmly based here in the ancient, ur-story of the loss of a child, that of the Persephone myth. The poet highlights as well the contributions of early women botanists in their struggle with the adaptations necessary to survive and flourish in this world. The poems are often incantatory, connecting the narrator with the lineage of “wise women” who have come before, and whose resonances echo profoundly in the present.”

Sidney Wade, author of Deep Gossip: New and Selected Poems

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